Publications by IL Academic Librarians: March-September 2021

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

September 23, 2021

Compiled by Jill Harper, Heartland Community College, and Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University

Akers, Katherine G., J. J. Pionke, Ellen M. Aaronson, Thane Chambers, John W. Cyrus, Erin R. B. Eldermire, and Melanie J. Norton. 2021. “Racial, Gender, Sexual, and Disability Identities of the Journal of the Medical Library Association’s Editorial Board, Reviewers, and Authors.” Journal of the Medical Library Association 109 (2): 167–73.

Anderson, Bethany G. 2021. “On Constructing a Scientific Archives Network: Exploring Computational Approaches to the Cybernetics Thought Collective.” Archivaria, no. 91 (Spring/Summer2021): 104–47.

Arlitsch, Kenning, Jonathan Wheeler, Minh Thi Ngoc Pham, and Nikolaus Nova Parulian. 2021. “An Analysis of Use and Performance Data Aggregated from 35 Institutional Repositories.” Online Information Review 45 (2): 316–35.

Benson, Sara R. 2021. “Copyright Policies and Workflows in Libraries [book review].” Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 62 (2): 235–36.

Buckley, Chad E. 2021. “Phyllostomid Bats: A Unique Mammalian Radiation.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (9): 893–893.

Clarage, Elizabeth, Daniel Matthews, and Dee Anna Phares. 2021. “Out in The Open: Inclusivity, Access, And Open Educational Resources in Illinois.” ILA Reporter, March, 56–59.

Droog, Alissa A., and Laura M. Bredahl. 2021. "ORCID education: a departmental approach." Library Hi Tech News, 38 (1): 1-5.

Droog, Alissa A. 2021. "Visual Research Methods: An Introduction for Library and Information Studies, edited by Shailoo Bedi and Jenaya Webb [book review]." Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 7 (February): 1-3.

Franzen, Susan R., and Jennifer Sharkey. 2021. “Impact of Embedded Librarianship on Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Information Skills.” Journal of the Medical Library Association 109 (2): 311–16.

French, Sarah W. 2021a. “School Bullying and Violence: Interventions for School Mental Health Specialists.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (8): 802–802.

French, Sarah W. 2021b. “The Cost of Inclusion: How Student Conformity Leads to Inequality on College Campuses.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (11): 1112–1112.

Gabriel, Jamillah R. 2021. “The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship.” Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 62 (3): 347–48.

Imker, Heidi J., Hoa Luong, William H. Mischo, Mary C. Schlembach, and Chris Wiley. 2021. “An Examination of Data Reuse Practices within Highly Cited Articles of Faculty at a Research University.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 47 (4):

Khodarahmi, Mozhdeh, and Gwen M. Gregory. 2021. “Ready or Not, Here We Come: Job Transitions during a Pandemic.” College & Research Libraries News 82 (7): 323–25.

Kim, Jinseok, Jenna Kim, and Jason Owen-Smith. 2021. “Ethnicity-Based Name Partitioning for Author Name Disambiguation Using Supervised Machine Learning.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 72 (8): 979–94.

Knutson, Ellen, and Quanetta Batts. 2021. “ASK, LISTEN, EMPOWER: Ethical and Inclusive Community Engagement.” American Libraries 52 (6): 42–45.

Lambert, Frank, Mary Thill, and James W. Rosenzweig. 2021. “Making Sense of Student Source Selection: Using the WHY Method to Analyze Authority in Student Research Bibliographies.” College & Research Libraries 82 (5): 642–61.

Liu, Xiaomei, and Xiaotian Chen. 2021. “Authors’ Noninstitutional Emails and Their Correlation with Retraction.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 72 (4): 473–77.

Ma, Linqing, and Ruohua Han. 2021. “Chinese ‘Archival’ Stories of Lifecycle Management: Tracing Three Major Reformative Events from 1933 to 2010.” Archival Science 21 (2): 117–37.

McGowan, Beth A. 2021a. “Metabolizing Capital: Writing, Information, and the Biophysical Environment.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (8): 770–770.

McGowan, Beth A. 2021b. “Further Reading.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (1): 35–36.

Millborn, Jim. 2021. “African American Communities.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (11): 1063–65.

Newgren, Andy. 2021. “Sharing Spaces and Students: Employing Students in Collaborative Partnerships [book review].” Public Services Quarterly 17 (2): 112–13.

Nickum, Annie, Kelly Thormodson, and Marcia Francis. 2021. “Developing A Controlled Vocabulary for Curriculum Mapping: A Case Study.” Science & Technology Libraries 40 (2): 214–23.

Nixon, Judith M., and Cara List. 2021. “Editorial Note.” Collection Management 46 (2): 79.

Norton, Christina. 2019. “Online Instruction during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Inclusivity, Accessibility, Challenges, and Opportunities.” Internet Reference Services Quarterly 24 (3–4): 65–68.

Oh, Michelle J. 2021. “Two-World Literature: Kazuo Ishiguro’s Early Novels.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (10): 980–81.

Osorio, Nestor L. 2021. "Transportation information in the NTL, TRID, ITRP and Other Sources." Inside Science Resources 2021 (n. 72).

Pionke, J.J. 2021. “A Secondary Analysis of the Library Profession’s Self-Reported Competence and Comfort in Working with Patrons with Disabilities.” Library Management 42 (6/7): 409–20.

Raszewski, Rebecca, Abigail H. Goben, Martha Dewey Bergren, Krista Jones, Catherine Ryan, Alana Steffen, and Susan C. Vonderheid. 2021. “Exploring Data Management Content in Doctoral Nursing Handbooks.” Journal of the Medical Library Association 109 (2): 248–57.

Remus, Edward. 2021. “The Socialist Awakening: What’s Different Now about the Left.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (12): 1228–1228.

Ridinger, Robert B. 2021a. “Nourishing Life: Foodways and Humanity in an African Town.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (10): 1006–1006.

Ridinger, Robert B. 2021b. “Prismatic Performances: Queer South Africa and the Fragmentation of the Rainbow Nation.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 59 (1): 79–79.

Robbins, Anne. 2021. “Feeling Invisible, Feeling Exposed, Feeling Seen: The Paradoxes of Accommodations: A Closer Look at the Requesting Process and How Accommodations Can Help Create More Inclusive Workplace Environments.” AALL Spectrum 25 (6): 54–55.

Sara Connell, Ruth, Lisa C. Wallis, and David Comeaux. 2021. “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources.” Information Technology & Libraries 40 (2): 1–20.

Scoulas, Jung Mi. 2021. “STEM Undergraduate Students: Library Use, Perceptions and GPA.” Performance Measurement & Metrics 22 (2): 137–48.

Scoulas, Jung Mi, Elena Carrillo, and Linda Naru. 2021a. “Student Voice in Administrative Decision-Making: Inclusive Planning during the Pandemic.” Journal of Library Administration 61 (4): 458–75.

Scoulas, Jung Mi, Elena Carrillo, and Linda Naru. 2021b. “Assessing User Experience: Incorporating Student Voice in Libraries’ Pandemic Response.” Journal of Library Administration 61 (6): 686–703.

Shang, Lanyu, Yang Zhang, Yuheng Zha, Yingxi Chen, Christina Youn, and Dong Wang. 2021. “AOMD: An Analogy-Aware Approach to Offensive Meme Detection on Social Media.” Information Processing & Management 58 (5):

Sopiarz, Josh. 2021. "Hostess, Ghost, and Apocalypse: Reconsidering Alice Munro’s ‘Carried Away.’" American Review of Canadian Studies 51 (2): 237-250.

Sopiarz, Josh. 2021. "Schulberg vs. Robson: Adapting The Harder They Fall." LFQ: Literature/Film Quarterly 49 (2):

Teper, Thomas H., and Vera S. Kuipers. 2021. “Exploring the Impact of Digitization on Print Usage.” Library Resources & Technical Services 65 (2): 36–51.

Tipton, Kim, and Cherie Watson. 2021. “Starting A Professional Reflection Practice.” ILA Reporter, March, 60–63.

Tolppanen, Bradley P. 2021. “The Oxford Handbook of Gender, War, and the Western World since 1600.” Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 58 (11): 1070–71.

Tolppanen, Bradley P. 2021. “A Survey of Response of Access Services in Academic Libraries to COVID-19.” Journal of Access Services 18 (2): 65–76.

Warren, Kellee E., and Jung Mi Scoulas. 2021. “Excessive Workload in Special Collections Public Services Librarianship: Challenges, Feelings, and Impact.” Journal of Library Administration 61 (3): 312–31.

Witt, Steven W. 2021. “Publishing in IFLA Journal : Balancing between the Global and the Local.” IFLA Journal 47 (2): 117–18.

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