Legislative Update -- April 15, 2021

April 15, 2021

American Rescue Plan Act: Follow-up Resources
We are continuing to share resources and encourage libraries to position themselves to be able to access library-eligible funds available through ARPA:

  • ALA's upcoming Chapter Advocacy Exchange webinar will focus on library-eligible ARPA funds, Wednesday 4/21/2021, 2-3 CST. Register here.
  • Governing.com's article "Public Libraries Can Tap into Eligible Funds Worth Billions" is NOT an exaggeration! Some of their information is cited from ALA, but there is some additional information, commentary, and a very clear grid showing which programs contact which appropriations. The Urban Libraries Council is quoted: “Public libraries have to dedicate team members to liaise with their state and local and government agencies to understand what that funding is, how they can apply for it and what kind of partnerships are available.” NOW is the time to put these partnerships in place!

Call to Action! FY2022 Federal Library Appropriations
Please reach out to your members of Congress to ask them to sign on to two "Dear Appropriator" letters: One requesting funding for IMLS/LSTA  of $206 million; the other for funding for the Innovative Approaches to Literacy Act in the Department of Education of $50 million. ILA is sending letters this week to all Illinois federal elected officials, but it is important for them to also hear from constituents. Take action here. Access ALA's informational resources here.

Springfield Update
The Illinois House and Senate are back in session as of Tuesday, April 13, 2021! The deadline for bills to pass out of House committees was March 26; the deadline in the Senate is April 16. Follow the list of bills ILA is supporting, opposing, and monitoring on the Illinois Legislative Issues web page. Please note: If a bill has not advanced, it will not be listed on that page. That includes a number of bills seeking to amend the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), including HB2815HB2816HB3624HB3737, and HB4005, none of which advanced.

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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