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Legislative Update -- February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021Yesterday afternoon, Governor Pritzker delivered his FY2022 budget address. The Governor’s budget proposes approximately $41.6 billion in spending, contains no general tax increases, makes the full certified fiscal year pension contribution, and relies on approximately $900 in corporate loophole closures to maintain aid to counties and municipalities.
The proposed budget includes:
- $25 million in new dollars for broadband deployment to maximize federal funding opportunities;
- Reappropriates $375 million in capital funding for competitive matching grants that expand access to high-speed broadband internet across the state;
- Appropriating FY2022 annual equalization, per capita and area library grants at the same amount as last year
Please note, this is preliminary information and analysis continues. The Governor’s budget introduction is simply a proposal. As we do every year, ILA will work diligently in Springfield to represent our members’ interests.
ACTION REQUEST: On the federal level, would you please take a moment to reach out to Senators Duckworth and Durbin to urge them to support the Build America's Libraries Act? ALA has created a helpful resource with comprehensive information about the bill, which would provide $5 billion to repair, modernize, and construct library facilities in underserved and marginalized communities.