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Call for IACRL Committee Membership
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
September 23, 2020Call for IACRL Committee Membership
by Emily Gilbert, Rasmussen College
Are you looking for more ways to get involved with professional development? Do you want to meet more of your peers in academic libraries across Illinois? Would you like to give back to the Illinois academic library community? Join an IACRL Committee! IACRL is seeking members for all committees, plus a new task force for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Please fill out this form if you are interested.
IACRL’s standing committees are as follows:
Conference and Continuing Education Committee
The committee shall provide workshops, conferences, symposium, classes and other educational experiences for members.
Membership Committee
The committee shall actively recruit and promote membership engagement and retention in IACRL. The committee shall work with the Vice President/President Elect to identify volunteers to serve on committees.
Communications Committee
The committee shall publish a newsletter at least twice a year (during the Fall and Spring). The general and managing editors shall be elected by the committee. The committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the IACRL web site.
Awards Committee
The committee shall be responsible for the award of Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year and for any other awards the association deems appropriate. The committee shall submit award decisions to the Executive Committee.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force
This task force will be created to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization, with more clearly defined goals to be determined by the task force membership.
We look forward to hearing from you!