Tribute Resolution for Donald Roalkvam

Library Trustee Forum (LTF)

July 14, 2020

On June 13, 2020, the ILA Library Trustee Forum Executive Board unanimously approved a tribute resolution for Don Roalkvam



WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam was first elected to the Indian Trails Public Library District as a Trustee in 1995 and was re-elected several times, most recently in April 2019, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam has served in many leadership roles on the Indian Trails Library Board including as President for two terms and as Treasurer for eight years, and 

WHEREAS during his terms of service on the Indian Trails Library Board Donald Roalkvam has participated in two major expansions of the library and a library referendum, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam shared his knowledge of libraries with the North Suburban Library System (NSLS) through his service as an elected Public Library Trustee member of the Board of Directors for numerous terms, beginning in 1999 and concluding in 2005, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam brought his love of library advocacy to the Illinois Library Association’s Trustee Forum where he served for many years as a member of the Trustee Forum Board, and served as the Board’s Secretary and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam also shared his time and talents as the ILA Councilor for the American Library Association’s Council, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam was recognized by the Illinois Library Association for his many years of service to the library community by being named an ILA Trustee of the Year in 2007, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam was elected as President of the American Library Association’s Association of Library Trustees and Advocates (ALTA) and, along with his Vice-President/President-Elect served as the conduit educating the Association on the importance of expanding this ALA Division to include Friends, Foundations, and a corporate component, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam was later elected to the Trustee-At-Large position of the new ALA Division, now known as United for Libraries, and 

WHEREAS for more than twenty years, Donald Roalkvam has continuously served in various positions of leadership in local, regional, state, and national library associations, encouraging the partnership between all types and levels of libraries, and providing support to those who govern, advocate and fundraise for libraries everywhere, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam has served as a role model for library trustees at all levels of governance, and has been a valuable member of each Board on which he has served, and 

WHEREAS Donald Roalkvam is an exemplary citizen and tireless volunteer in the library community, always ready to lend a helping hand, welcome new trustees, and share his knowledge of libraries and governing boards with others, 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Board of the Illinois Library Association’s Trustee Forum takes this opportunity to celebrate Donald Roalkvam’s numerous contributions to libraries and honor him today for his dedicated service. 

With a motion by Peggy Danhof, seconded by Kathy Caudill, this resolution was unanimously approved by the ILA Trustee Forum Executive Board on June 13, 2020. 

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