#ILAKick is just around the corner!

September 24, 2014

We're in the homestretch for the 2014 ILA Annual Conference! Registration confirmations and badges were mailed Monday, September 22. If you do not receive your badge this week or if your badge needs corrections, please contact the office at ila@ila.org. We will have a replacement badge waiting for you in Springfield. >

The conference program book is now available on theconference website or by clicking the image to the left. You can also search the online program by various criteria, including title, track, and date. The conference app, sponsored by TBS, will be available shortly for iOS and Android platforms. Look for more information coming soon!
If you will be arriving in Springfield on Monday, October 13, be sure to attend the Welcome Reception, hosted by the Public Library Forum and sponsored by Sikich. All conference attendees are invited to attend the reception, which will be held in the Presidential Ballroom of the Abraham Lincoln DoubleTree Hotel. 

The event will feature Battledecks, sponsored by Booklist -- a competition where speakers present a deck of 10 slides in 4 minutes. The catch? They've never seen the slides before! Hosted by Rebecca Vnuk of Booklist, this year's contestants are: 

  • Nanette Donohue, Champaign Public Library
  • Monica Harris, Schaumburg Township District Library 
  • Jason Kuhl, Arlington Heights Memorial Library
  • Sarah Sagmoen, University of Illinois at Springfield
  • and a 5th contestant to be chosen onsite!
Don't miss this opportunity to cheer on your colleagues, while getting ready for the conference week ahead! 
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