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Call for Presenters and Topics: Compass Compact Webinar in Early November on Academic Libraries and the 2020 Census (Reply by Wednesday, September 11, If Possible)
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
September 10, 2019(via Diane Foote, ILA Executive Director)
Campus Compact is potentially interested in hosting a webinar in early November targeted at campuses to address how they can use their libraries as complete count partners for the upcoming census. As we know, Illinois stands to lose at least one, and possibly two, Congressional seats following the 2020 census, so a complete count is critical. Campuses will be important for the following reasons:
1) College students are identified as a "hard-to-count" population; likely due to confusion over where they're supposed to be counted if they live on campus.
2) Not all areas of Illinois are served by a public library, where people can go to complete the census if they don't have broadband at home, but everyone IS served by a community college.
The webinar’s organizers are seeking input from Illinois academic librarians on the following.
- suggestions for presenters
- questions academic librarians might have about the census that the webinar should cover
If you would be interested in presenting, or if you know of someone else who would be a good presenter, please let Diane Foote know, at dfoote@ila.org, as soon as possible (by Wednesday, September 11, if possible—apologies for the short turnaround time). Similarly, if you have any census-related topics of special interest to academic librarians that you would like the webinar to address, please send those to Diane Foote by September 11.