Message from IACRL President Eric Edwards

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

October 1, 2018

Eric Edwards, Illinois State Library

As the incoming President of IACRL, I would like to thank you for your interest in the organization and inform you of some upcoming opportunities. Many of you are aware that IACRL did not hold a stand-alone conference this year, but we still have plenty of activities scheduled for the coming months. At the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference (October 9-11 in Peoria), make sure to attend some of your academic librarian colleagues’ presentations that are part of the “IACRL@ILA” track. On Wednesday, October 11, you can participate in the IACRL Unconference from 8:00 to 10:00 AM, and then attend the IACRL Luncheon and Annual Meeting from 12:15 to 1:30 PM, which will include a speech by ILA Executive Director Diane Foote. For additional information on these events, please see the Conference preview in this issue.

The opportunities for professional development and networking don’t end with ILA Annual. On Wednesday, October 24, the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria campus will host a viewing of an ACRL webinar. Please watch the listserv, website, and social media for additional information. Also, on Tuesday, November 6, the Reaching Across Illinois Library System and IACRL will co-host a networking event at Northwestern University’s Evanston campus library. (See the announcement in this issue for more details.) Other events are in the planning process, so please watch for announcements on those, also.

Not able to attend these in-person events? There are still other ways to participate. Consider joining an IACRL committee. If you are interested, please contact me at (A list of committees is available on the IACRL website.) Also, IACRL recently formed a journal discussion club that will meet virtually once a month starting in October.

Finally, I would like to thank the outgoing officers for their service and dedication to the organization. They are Carolyn Ciesla, President (who will continue as Past President); Ariel Orlov, Secretary; and Lindsay Harmon, Past President. Additional incoming officers are Michelle Nielsen Ott, Vice-President/President-Elect; and Carl Lehnen, Secretary.

I am looking forward to working with all of you to help make this another successful and productive year for IACRL. If anyone has ideas for activities or projects that IACRL can undertake to make the member experience as worthwhile as possible, or if you have any suggestions on how to improve the organization as a whole, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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