Contact Senator Kirk Now!

May 28, 2015
History is about to be made and Illinois' Senator Mark Kirk's vote may literally make the difference between reforming the USA PATRIOT Act for the first time in 14 years . . .  or not.  Make sure he hears from you today to protect libraries and civil liberties.
The Senate will vote Sunday (that's not a typo) before parts of the USA PATRIOT Act expire at midnight.  Please click here to send Sen. Kirk a clear and urgent message:  PASS the USA FREEDOM Act without any weakening amendments AND vote NO on any extension of the USA PATRIOT Act.
That's it . . . and this is it.  Even if you've written or called before; contact Kirk's Washington, D.C. office:  Phone:  (202) 224-2854; Fax:  (202) 228-4611.
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