ILP Member Libraries

Illinois Libraries 
Present kicked off its Pilot Program January 2022 with 192 members. In Seasons 2 & 3 our membership grew to 209 member libraries. We are kicking off Season 4 with 214 members beginning September 2024.   

Thank you to the 192 member libraries that have supported Illinois Libraries Present's Pilot Program and the 209 member libraries that are currently supporting Season 2!

With your support, we have successfully provided our first set of high-quality online events at equitable prices for member libraries of all sizes and budgets.

Have questions about membership? 
Contact the ILA Illinois Libraries Present team at


Funding for this grant was awarded by the Illinois State Library, a Department of the Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). 

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