Bylaws of the Small and Rural Libraries Forum

Bylaws of the Small and Rural Libraries Forum (SARL)


Article 1 — Name
The name of this organization shall be the Small and Rural Libraries Forum (SARL) of the Illinois Library Association (ILA).

Article II — Purpose
The Small and Rural Libraries Forum represents the interests of small and rural libraries in Illinois and provides a forum for staff at all levels and trustees to discuss issues of particular interest to small and rural libraries. Additionally the SARL Forum

  • promotes the professional development of library staff working in small and rural libraries.

  • shares best practices and resources relevant to small and rural library workers. This is accomplished in part by sharing information and provided by statewide programs and Illinois Library Systems.

  • provides opportunities for networking and collaboration among SARL participants.

  • advocates for the interests of small and rural library workers within ILA and the broader library community.

  • Offer educational programs and resources on relevant topics virtually and at in-person events. 

  • encourages active participation in Illinois library organizations.

Article III — Membership
Section 1: Forum Board Membership
All members of the SARL Forum Board must be personal members of ILA. Forum Board members are expected to maintain their personal ILA membership for the duration of their term. The SARL Forum Board shall consist of no more than 9 individuals, each serving 2 year terms and may choose to serve additional terms. The SARL Board shall be composed of the 2 co-managers serving 2-year staggered terms, additional Members-at-large, ILA Board Liaison, and ILA Staff Liaison. Board Members must attend at least 50% of the forum’s meetings each year. 

Section 2: Attendance and Voting
Attendance and participation in any SARL meeting or event shall be open to any library worker in an Illinois library, library system, library trustee role, or library-related field with interest in small and rural libraries and their issues. Participation in the Small and Rural Libraries Forum is not dependent on ILA personal membership except for those serving on the Forum Board.

Only members of the Small and Rural Libraries Forum Board may vote. A quorum of at least five board members is necessary to vote. Approval of actions and decisions requires a simple majority vote of the quorum.

Section 3: Co-managers Selection
The Manager-elect must be selected from members of the current SARL Forum Board or from previous SARL Forum Board members. Nominees are elected for the term which begins in July. The nominees must be personal members of ILA. SARL Forum Board members will elect the co-manager from the nominees.

Section 4: Co-manager Vacancy
Upon the resignation of one of the Co-managers, the SARL Forum Board will decide if the vacancy needs to be filled. If so, the Co-manager Selection process will be followed.

Section 5: Forum Board Selection
A person may express interest in joining the SARL Forum Board at any time throughout the year. The nominees must be personal members of ILA or willing to join ILA before their term starts. Nominees are elected to the SARL Forum Board by current board members in close session at a regular meeting. Nominees that are elected begin their term after the vote and their term expires two years following the July roll over. 

Article IV — Communication
The SARL shall communicate with interested persons through the SARL Google group. Events will be shared to the greater ILA community via the ILA calendar, the SARL forum web page, in the ILA Alert, and on their Small and Rural Libraries Facebook Group.  

Article V — Committees, Other Duties
The Forum Managers and SARL Forum Board may create committees as deemed necessary. 

The SARL Forum Board sets the forum’s annual goals, plans and submits at least 1 proposal for the Annual Conference, plans continuing education and networking opportunities for small and rural library workers throughout Illinois, and other events and activities as determined by the SARL Forum Board. 

Article VI — Meetings
Section 1 Association Year
The SARL Forum association year is July 1 - June 30.

Section 2 Meetings
The schedule and location for the meetings are determined by the incoming Manager/Co-Managers of the Small and Rural Libraries Forum Board. The SARL Forum Board will meet a minimum of 4 times per year, time and place to be determined. The Manager(s) will conduct the meetings. The Manager-elect/Co-Managers-elect will preside in the absence of the Manager. Notes will be taken by designated notetaker/volunteer at each meeting. Forum meetings are open to any one. 


Approved and Adopted February 20, 2025


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