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2025 Reaching Forward North Conference
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 North River Road
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 North River Road
Rosemont, IL
The 2025 Reaching Forward North Conference will be held on Thursday, May 1, 2025. The Reaching Forward North Committee is accepting program proposals, which are submitted using an online proposal form. Incomplete proposals can be saved and revised at any time prior to the submission deadline. Confirmation emails will be sent from "<no-reply@pheedloop.com>".
Last day to submit and edit proposals is Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Selection notifications (distributed via Pheedloop from ILA) will be sent before Monday, December 9, 2024.
Important Update: Registration Fee for Speakers
As Reaching Forward North has continued to grow and flourish as the premier professional development opportunity for library support staff in central and northern Illinois, we’ve made some updates to our registration process.
What’s New?
Starting this year, we are introducing a registration fee for everyone who attends, including speakers. This change will allow us to continue providing high-quality experiences, cover essential costs as prices increase, and ensure registration fees for everyone stay affordable/reasonable.
In alignment with other ILA events, speakers are eligible for a conference registration discount of 20% off their registration fee during the designated window, January 6-17, 2025. With the discount, the 2025 Reaching Forward North Speaker Registration will be $128.
We deeply value your continued support and enthusiasm for Reaching Forward North. This change allows us to maintain and elevate the quality of the event, ensuring it remains a memorable and impactful experience for everyone involved.
Financial Assistance Available
Financial assistance is available to offset registration fees for a limited number of speakers who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference. Librarians and library staff who have faced structural barriers to participation, including small and rural libraries, are encouraged to apply. Assistance is awarded based on the following criteria:
- Financial need
- Geographic diversity
- Speakers from underrepresented groups in the library profession
- First-time speakers
- Topic adds diversity to conference programming
Apply for Speaker Registration Assistance
Before applying for assistance, you must submit your program proposal. Previous recipients are not eligible to apply. Requests are considered by ILA staff during the window of proposal acceptance and the close of early bird registration. Questions about financial assistance can be directed to Kristin Pekoll atkpekoll@ila.org.
Proposal Application is Closed
The Reaching Forward North Conference serves library staff at all levels, with a strong focus on frontline and support staff. All program slots are 60 minutes. Programming is organized by the following tracks:
- Advocacy and Funding
- Collections and Technical Services
- Community Engagement and Customer Service
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- Human Resources
- Leadership and Management
- Marketing and Outreach
- Personal and Professional Development
- Programming
- Reference and Readers Advisory
- Technology
- Wellness
- Youth and Young Adult Services
You will be asked to provide the following information about your proposed session:
- Speaker(s) information
- Session title and description
- Learning objectives for attendees
- Program track
- Co-Speakers (If your session has no other co-speakers, proceed to the bottom of the page and click "Next Step")
- Speaker qualifications to speak on your topic
- Preferred room setup and preferred time of day
- Program experience level and format
- Additional information you’d like to share with the committee
To submit your program proposal, you will need to use the online form. The Deadline for submission is Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Proposal Application is Closed
The Reaching Forward North Committee will evaluate all submitted proposals using the following criteria:
Do the proposed speakers appear to have the appropriate expertise to present on this topic?
Does the program fit Reaching Forward North's mission to provide professional opportunities for library staff to grow, learn, and connect with new ideas?
Does the program offer practical suggestions that can be replicated at other libraries?
Does this program showcase timely and creative solutions and/or provide leadership?
Questions? Email Kristin Pekoll at kpekoll@ila.org.
Need Some Help?
Have an idea for a program that's not fully formed? Looking for a co-presenter to bring in additional perspectives? Are you a first-time presenter and need/want some assistance putting together your first session? You can submit a request for speaker support and the committee will help you develop your program.
ILA Office Hours
Register to meet with Kristin (the ILA Conference and Continuing Education Manager) to ask questions, brainstorm, and generally get conference speaker support. Not available during any of the times listed? Email Kristin at kpekoll@ila.org to schedule a 30 minute chat.