IYSI Speaker Resources

IYSI Speaker Information and Resources

Conference speakers are the stars of any event. They share their knowledge, insights, and stories with the audience, and often inspire them to take action. The IYSI Planning Committee is committed to creating opportunities for speakers to grow as subject experts and leaders in our profession. To that end, the committee provides:

  • Personal support with office hours and emails
  • Important Dates
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Speaker Resources
  • Promote Your Presence at #IYSI25
  • What to expect on the day of your presentation


ILA Office Hours

Register to meet with Kristin (the ILA Conference and Continuing Education Manager) to ask questions, brainstorm, and generally get conference speaker support. Not available during any of the times listed? Email Kristin at kpekoll@ila.org to schedule a 30 minute chat. 


Important Dates

  • Friday, October, 25 — IYSI Program Proposals Due
  • Friday, November 15  Proposal notifications are sent and program schedule is listed in Pheedloop.
  • December 2-13 — Designated IYSI speaker registration with 20% discount
  • Sunday, December 15  Deadline to complete your Speaker Profile (upload headshot and add a bio)
  • Monday, December 16 — Registration opens to the general public
  • Friday, January 31— Deadline to edit program descriptions, change your title, or add speakers (Session titles and descriptions will be locked after January 31 and the description listed will be used for the IYSI printed program book.)
  • Friday, February 7  Last day to reserve a hotel room with the ILA room block (while supplies last). 
  • Friday, February 14  Last day to register. All registration payments are due.
  • Monday, February 24  Upload handouts, slides and resources in your Speaker Portal
  • February 27-28, 2025 — Illinois Youth Services Institute: Find a New Narrative in Bloomington-Normal, IL  


Speaker FAQ

Are speakers required to register for the conference?
Yes. IYSI speakers are eligible for a conference registration discount of 20% off their appropriate fee. Discounts are available exclusively during the speaker registration window, December 2-13, before general registration opens.  If you can’t pay the registration rate during this two week period, you should register and select “Bill Me Later”. If you select "Bill Me Later" you can login anytime to pay your registration fee with a credit card or access your invoices. The deadline for all registration payments is 2/10/25.

Will AV be available?
Each program room will include a projector, screen, and WiFi access. If you plan on using WiFi for your presentation, please consider a back up plan in case there are connectivity issues.

Do I have to bring my own computer and adaptor?
Yes. The conference does not supply computers. Speakers whose programs require computers/videos/slides must bring their own device. If your device does not have a HDMI port, please bring an appropriate adaptor. 

Should I provide handouts?
All speakers are asked to make their handouts and/or slides available for attendees to download. Handouts can be submitted via the Speaker Portal on Pheedloop by Monday, February 24. Speakers may provide paper copies of their handouts at their own expense. Please use your best judgment in deciding if printed handouts are necessary for your program.

COMMITTEE TIP: Presenters can provide QR codes linking to documents on Pheedloop, helping to reduce the costs of printing multiple copies.

How do I find out when and where my session is scheduled?
The complete conference program schedule is available on the conference platform website. Each session is marked with the Day, Date, and Time. The conference program sessions are all located in the Marriott Bloomington-Normal Hotel & Conference Center in the room listed on your session. 

How is the room setup?
Program rooms will be set up in either a theater configuration or round tables, based on the request in your program submission. Each room will have a podium with a microphone and a speakers' table with two microphones.

Do I have to use the microphone?
Yes. Please use the microphones, even if you think you’re speaking loud enough. It is an accessibility issue for attendees who may not want to identify their hearing challenges.


Speaker Resources

The Conference Program Committee has compiled a list of resources that may be helpful in preparing for your presentation.


Using captioning tools embedded in your presentation can benefit all attendees regardless of hearing ability. 


Promote Your Presence at #IYSI2025

In an effort to help you maximize your presence at this year’s institute, we have provided copy and customizable graphics for you to use in marketing pieces (social media, newsletters, emails, mailings, etc.) to promote your presence at #IYSI2025 as well as the conference.

Title: Illinois Youth Services Institute (or IYSI)
Dates and Location: February 27-28, 2025, Marriott Bloomington-Normal Hotel & Conference Center
Website: ila.org/iysi
Hashtag (if posting on social media): #IYSI2025


First Time Speaking? Need a Refresher?

Here are some things to do and what to expect on the day of your presentation.

  • The IYSI program book includes a floor plan of the Marriott facilities with all of the rooms listed. If you need assistance locating anything, don’t hesitate to ask someone with a red “ASK ME” badge.
  • Pick up and wear a speaker ribbon near the ILA Help Desk
  • Arrive at your room 15 minutes before your presentation
  • Connect with committee member. Upon arrival, check in with a committee member who has been assigned to welcome you and help you set up and troubleshoot if you have any AV problems. A committee member will not give a formal introduction before your presentation.
  • Bring your adapters; HDMI cables will be provided by conference
  • Bring the slides on a thumb drive as a back-up
  • Use a microphone during your presentation and for Q&A. This helps ensure that individuals with hearing difficulties, including those who may not disclose their needs, can hear you clearly.
  • Be mindful of time and exit the room at the end of your session for the next presenters to set up.
  • Encourage everyone to complete the conference evaluation.


This institute is developed in partnership with the Illinois Library Association, LACONI Youth Services, Reaching across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and the Illinois HEartland Library System (IHLS).

This Institute is developed in partnership with Illinois Library AssociationLACONI Youth ServicesReaching Across Illinois Library System, and Illinois Heartland Library System.

2025 Sponsors

Illinois Youth Services Institute Sponsors 2025

IYSI 2025 Planning Committee

Tina Ruszala, Palos Heights Public Library 
Alissa Janchenko, New Lenox Public Library


Jess Alexander, Morton Grove Public Library
Ann Baillie, Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library
Sara Bell, Dunlap School District
Lyndsey Carney, Normal Public Library
Leah Gregory, Illinois Heartland Library System
Andie Kelch, Brimfield Library
Kate Kite, Illinois Heartland Library System 
Margae Schmidt, Reaching Across Illinois Libraries System

Staff Liaison
Kristin Pekoll, ILA Conference and Continuing Education Manager
Becca Boland, ILA & iREAD Content and Development Manager


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