Matthew Ostercamp, Director at Large Candidate

Matthew Ostercamp, Brandel Library, North Park University

Statement of Concern 
Illinois librarians are entrusted to provide the public with free access to trustworthy information for the common good. I’m concerned that each part of this mission is under threat. As an academic library leader, I’m excited to be part of building the statewide coalition that can respond to these challenges.

I’m proud of our libraries’ ability to provide our patrons with goods and services outside of the marketplace. However, our ability to continue to democratize information regardless of social class is challenged both by the declining buying power of library budgets and digital distribution models that seek to monetize all information exchange.

Access is further imperiled by our contentious politics which increasingly seek to police the content of our collections for works considered harmful by some. While I agree that information is powerful, it is because information is so powerful that I want to work with our community to provide access to a broad array of perspectives and support a robust conversation in our stacks and neighborhoods.

Just as economics and politics present challenges to librarianship, so too does the rise of artificially generated texts and images. For all its promises, Generative AI also threatens to further erode trust in all information sources making our curation and educational work more urgent and more difficult. I believe a broad and rigorous response is needed at all levels of civil society.

My final concern is not yet another obstacle. Rather it is the possibility that we lose sight of the critical role libraries play as part of the common good. Living in rural, suburban, and urban neighborhoods, I’ve seen the great value provided by institutions dedicated to providing Illinois residents with places to gather, learn, discuss, and perhaps most importantly to listen to one another despite our differences. This contribution to the social fabric of our state is what makes me passionate about the work we share. I hope I can continue to promote a vision of libraries, despite the real challenges we face, as a good that is held in common by all and for all.

Brandel Library, North Park University
     Library Director, 2015–Present
     Head of Access Services, 2010–2015

Rolfing Memorial Library, Trinity International University
     Head of Technical Services, 20032010
     Serials & Acquisitions, 19992003
     Circulation, 19981999

MLIS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2003
MA Christian Thought, Trinity International University, 1999
BA History/Philosophy, Trinity International University, 1995

Professional Memberships and Activities
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
     Governance Board 2020–Current
     Board Chair 20232024
     IShare Resource Sharing Committee, 20112014          

Illinois Library Association, Member

LIBRAS Executive Board
    LIBRAS President 20222023

Atla (formerly American Theological Library Association)
     Code of Conduct Committee, 2023Present
     Board of Directors, 2014–2020
     President, 20172018
     Annual Conference Committee, 20112014

Chicago Research Summit
     Founder and Chair, 20182023

ACRL Member


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