Leander Spearman, Director at Large Candidate

Leander Spearman, Belleville Public Library

Statement of Concern 
Over the last few years, libraries, library professionals and library advocates have been under attack. Free and open access to knowledge and information has somehow been looked upon as something bad and counter productive to society. It is an organization like ILA that provides support to libraries and library professionals that equip them to withstand these forces that seek to silence us.

When I consider the future of public libraries not just in the state of Illinois, but nationally, I am greatly concerned about our ability to continue to be great equalizers in our communities. We all take great pride in the fact that public libraries have for decades provided access to resources and technology across all socioeconomic conditions.

I believe there are two very important steps that we as a profession must take to ensure our future success, the first is to advocate for our profession. It has almost become cliché but libraries and library professionals are masters at doing more with less, but not at telling our story. We need to become better messengers so that the work we do does not go unnoticed and unrecognized. Secondly, we need to ensure that the next generation of library professionals and leaders is trained and equipped to pick up the baton and continue to represent the profession with confidence.


City Of Belleville                                                                              
     Director of Library and General and Community Assistance           

Belleville Public Library

St. Louis County Library                
     Recruiting and Volunteer Coordinator 
     Interim Branch Manager                                           
     Branch Manager                                                                    
     Assistant Branch Manager                                                    
     Reference Librarian                                                   
     Regional Youth Services Librarian                                       
     Library Technician                                        
     Library Shelver          

University of Missouri – Columbia
MLS Library Science and Information Technology
Harris Stowe State College, BS Business Administration/Management
Tuskegee University, Studied Mechanical Engineering, No Degree

Professional Memberships and Activities
American Library Association , Member 1997–Present
     Black Caucus of the American Library Association, 1998–Present

National Council of African American Librarians, Member, 2015 – Present

Illinois Heartland Library System Board of Directors, 2014–2016
     President, 2015-2016

Illinois Library Association, Member 
     Director at Large, 2016–2019
     Liaison, Youth Services Forum, 20162017
     Liaison, Best Practices Forum 20182019
     ILA Conference Committee, 2021

SHARE Executive Council 2024Present

IHLS Nominations Committee

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

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