Member Spotlight - Charessa Sistek

Marketing Forum (MF)

January 13, 2025

This week's spotlight is on Charessa Sistek. Charessa is the programming and marketing coordinator at the Centralia Regional Library District, and a member of the ILA Marketing Forum. 

We asked Charessa to answer a few professional and amusing questions. Continue reading to find out more about Charessa. 

A little background on Charessa:

My pronouns are she/they. I was born in Texas on December 9, 1992. Because my father was United States Air Force, my childhood was split between Texas, Japan, Kansas, and Illinois, where I've been since 2004. My hobbies include reading, gaming, and just about anything in the arts: writing, drawing, crochet, photography, acting, singing, and instrument playing. I love rabbits, cheesecake, plants and flowers, and purple. My favorite genre of book is fantasy and my favorite season is autumn.

How did you get your start in libraries?

I practically grew up in libraries; my dad was U.S. Air Force so wherever we went, the library--be it a school library, a public library, or a base library--was a constant in my life when other things weren't. My parents also instilled a deep love of reading in me since I was a baby and so frequent trips to a library to pick out books and movies were always a highlight for me. From a very young age, I knew the value of a good library and a good book.

When I was in fourth or fifth grade, my class got to see how the school library worked and from then on (and with a little help of Evy from The Mummy being an aspiration), I had on and off considered the idea of working in a library, yet had ultimately gone into acting with freelance illustration work on the side. In 2019, I decided to go back to college to get another associate degree, but had no idea what I wanted to major in. While browsing the catalog from Kaskaskia College (where I got my theatre degree), I saw that they had a new library technical assistant degree program and it just felt like destiny. I've been in libraries ever since!

Best advice you've received since starting your career in libraries?

It sounds like old hat and I was reluctant about it at first myself because I'm pretty shy, but networking is absolutely the best advice I've received. I've learned so much from other library workers, and since joining forums and round tables in institutions like ILA, I've been able to do so much more for not just my professional development, but for my library too. Being in the Illinois Heartland Library System has made it that much easier to collaborate with other libraries too and so networking just makes perfect sense.

Any advice to newcomers working in libraries? 

Get involved in library groups and reach out to other libraries nearby! Join all the listservs, Facebook groups, and institutional forums and round tables you can relevant to your position. I'm in the ILA's Marketing Forum, Youth Services Forum, and Young Adult Services Forum, and they have been such a huge help with my job. I was able to pull off the dreaded April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse with the help of nearby Greenville Public Library and the SEAL/Starnet community. We're all in this together--you're not alone!!

When and why did you become a member of ILA?

I became a member of ILA in November 2022. I knew from the start of my career choice that I wanted to be involved with various library associations, because one of my classes for my library technical assistant degree taught me the value of such institutions. Even if I moved states, I would still support ILA for what it does for library workers across Illinois and because of how it helped me get my start as one!

How has being a member of ILA helped you professionally? 

As I mentioned before, the networking has helped me tremendously, from general questions about the profession to program ideas and other support. I went into my specific position as the Programming and Marketing Coordinator for Centralia Regional Library District a little green and anxious despite my associate degree in library science, but ILA's forums, webinars, and events have helped me feel more confident in my position, especially regarding marketing.

What is your proudest professional achievement to date?

Getting to help create and present a panel on teen programming with two incredible people (shoutout to Sam and Kristen of SWAYS!) at Reaching Forward South 2024, because that's when I knew I had come as far as I have--that I could then pass that knowledge on to others at a professional conference. It was an awesome experience and I appreciate SWAYS (Southwest Advocates for Youth Services) and ILA for giving me the opportunity.

Hardcover, paperback, e-reader, audiobook, or all?

All! Audiobook is perfect for getting through a book while driving and working, e-readers for reading more comfortably in bed, and paperback/hardcover because there's nothing quite like holding a physical book in your hands and seeing the actual progress you've made through it. However, hardcovers are hard for me to hold these days because of joint pain in my hands, so I'd prefer paperback in that situation.

Favorite authors?

Kalynn Bayron, Elizabeth Lim, Arina Tanemura, Kay Davault, Alexis Hall, Robin Wall Kimmerer--just to name a few.

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what five books would you want with you to pass the time until being rescued?

  • The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
  • Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales (Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition)
  • The Story of King Arthur and His Knights (Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition)
  • The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
  • Disapproving Rabbits by Sharon Stiteler

Cat or Dog?

I love them both, but I prefer cats, because dogs sadly just have way too much energy for me to keep up with.

Favorite film, podcast, or television show? 

YuYu Hakusho (an anime series)

One person you would like to meet, dead or alive why?

Robin Williams. He was my favorite actor growing up and I'd love to just have a heart-to-heart with him.

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