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Member Spotlight - Beth Smilack
Reaching Forward South Committee
August 14, 2024This week's member spotlight is on Beth Smilack. Beth is the Marketing and Communications Specialist at the Jerseyville Public Library, and the chair of the Reaching Forward South Committee.
We asked Beth to answer a few professional and amusing questions. Continue reading to find out more about Beth.
A little background on Beth:
Beth Smilack was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jerseyville Public Library for nine years whereupon she resigned in 2018 to take on the newly created Marketing and Communications position at the library. She has spent the last six years growing and developing the "department of one" by increasing the library's social media presence, building the awareness of the library in the community, and generally marketing the wonderful amenities and awesomeness of this rural library to the many residents of its city and surrounding county. Beth is also a member of the Illinois Library Association and the chair for the Reaching Forward South Committee.
How did you get your start in libraries?
I became a library kid way back when I was about 7 or 8 years old and the local library Bookmobile would visit my neighborhood. My mom worked during the day and dad at night so they didn’t have time to drive me to the library which was too far away to walk. That Bookmobile saved my life! I was a shy kid with only a few close friends so reading was my window to adventure.
I read every Hardy Boys book I could get my hands on! My love of reading carried me through middle school, high school, and of course into my adulthood where I am still an avid reader and have recently discovered that I really enjoy audiobooks as well. It is so convenient to listen to a book while I’m cleaning or exercising or when my son is hogging the television playing his video games.
Best advice you've received since starting your career in libraries?
Don’t get too used to something because it is probably going to change. In other words, be flexible. Libraries are constantly changing, evolving, striving to reach patrons in whatever way and with whatever medium is currently trending. We need to meet the needs and desires of our patrons and keep up to date on new technologies to better reach and fulfill the requests of our community.
Any advice to newcomers working in libraries?
I like to pass on advice I’ve been given with the emphasis on flexibility. Librarians must reach a variety of patrons with differing ages and from many different walks of life. Like a very funny scene in a popular episode of the TV show Friends, we need to PIVOT constantly and happily to meet the needs of the people who visit the library. Be present and always look around to see who you might be able to assist on every one of your shifts.
When and why did you become a member of ILA?
I became a member of ILA soon after I started working for the library back in 2018. I became familiar with ILA upon my first Reaching Forward South Conference where our director paid for the entire staff to attend. I was very impressed with the organization’s professionalism and all the wonderful break out sessions. Upon looking into more about what ILA was all about, I wanted to join to learn more about everything ILA had to offer.
How has being a member of ILA helped you professionally?
Of course, the Reaching Forward South Conferences through the years have helped me immeasurably. I was also able to attend my first ILA Annual Conference a couple of years ago and was very impressed with the lineup of speakers and breakout sessions where I was able to learn so much to take back with me to our library. I receive ILA Alerts with up to date laws and information, learning opportunities, examples of what other libraries in the state are doing to up our game and so enjoy all of the forums and events, like the Noon Network and the Marketing Forum that benefit me greatly in doing my job.
ILA has helped me in so many ways in my particular position dealing with marketing and communications. I look forward to the ILA Reporter publication that I receive in the mail and read them cover to cover as soon as I get them. They are always full of excellent information on recent changes to the laws that apply to libraries, articles on what other libraries across the state are doing in terms of programming and other special events. I really could go on and on!
What is your proudest professional achievement to date?
I am very proud of my accomplishments these past six years including increasing the library’s presence on our social media channels and creating and facilitating our annual Free Comic Book Day Festival which is now attended by around 200 people each year (quite a feat in our small community). But I am most proud of serving on the Reaching Forward South Committee and being honored by the opportunity to chair the committee in 2024/2025.
Hardcover, paperback, e-reader, audiobook, or all?
I enjoy hardcovers, e-reading on my Kindle Paperwhite and listening to audiobooks on my phone (where I can literally take a book everywhere I go).
Favorite authors?
Preston & Child, Freida McFadden, Ruth Ware, Benjamin Stevenson, and Jasper Fforde.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what five books would you bring with you to pass the time until being rescued?
- The Good Book (Bible)
- Bloodless (Preston & Child)
- The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern)
- Murder on the Orient Express (Agatha Christie)
- The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde)
Cat or Dog?
DOG, especially my sweet little Bella!
Favorite film, podcast, or television show?
I am addicted to Dateline (TV and podcast) and I love the movie Twister.
One person you would like to meet, dead or alive why?
Harry Houdini – I’ve always been fascinated with his life from when I was a young child and first read a book about him. His dedication to his craft was legend.