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Committee Spotlight - Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee
September 16, 2021Come each April, members of ILA are encouraged to vote in the ILA Executive Board elections. Some of you may find yourselves asking - how are these candidates chosen? The answer begins with the Nominating Committee. In late summer/early fall prior to the election, the immediate ILA Past President acting as committee Chair, appoints up to six ILA members, representing libraries across the state, to the Nominating Committee. This group is tasked with putting together the strongest possible slate of candidates that reflect the Illinois library community’s diverse constituencies.
Just how is that slate created? First a call goes out to the membership asking for anyone interested in serving on the Executive Board to self-suggest, or if you have a colleague whom you think would be an asset to the Board to suggest that person. The Nominating Committee then uses these recommendations as a starting point to nominate two candidates for Vice President/President elect, and two candidates for each of the four open Director positions. The final slate must be selected by December 20 of each year.
Nominee suggestions for the 2022 Executive Board election are now being accepted. Suggested candidates can be public, school, academic, special, or library trustee representatives. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates who have strategic skill sets to govern a professional, nonprofit association. For the 2022 election, skills especially needed include: a big picture focus, knowledge and understanding of ILA’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the ability to implement ILA’s strategic plan. Duties and expectations of Executive Board members may be found on the ILA website. These are three-year terms beginning July 2022 and ending June 2025.
For more information on Nominee Suggestions or to suggest someone, visit the ILA website. Submission deadline is 5:00 pm on Friday, October 22, 2021. Please direct any questions to Veronica De Fazio, vdefazio@plainfieldpubliclibrary.org.
This committee spotlight was written by Veronica De Fazio (Plainfield Public Library District), ILA Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee.