September 2021 | Volume XXXIX. Issue 3 »

Reading Colored Our World in 2021: iREAD® Roundup

September 1, 2021
ILA Staff

Pekin Public Library

More than 1,000 libraries in 36 states, plus Department of Defense base libraries worldwide, participated in iREAD® in 2021, themed “Reading Colors Your World.” This summer, the broad motif of “colors” provided a context for exploring humanity, nature, culture, and science, as well as developing programming that demonstrates how libraries and reading can expand your world through kindness, growth, and community. Library patrons young and old were encouraged to be creative, try new things, explore art, and find beauty in diversity.

Begun in 1981 as an Illinois-only partnership among youth services librarians in the state, iREAD® has grown to include formal or partial statewide adoptions well beyond our borders, including in Alaska, California, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington (partial). In 2021, libraries decorated their spaces; conducted art projects including ink-and-fingerprint painting, a rainbow handprint wall, and colorful paper crafts; hosted games such as “I Spy;” encouraged participants with creative incentives such as a paper chain with loops readers contributed for each book read; and much, much more. Here we are happy to showcase some of the creative displays put on by this year’s iREADers. Read a book and color your world!

We thank Alexandra Annen of the Homer Township Public Library, 2021 iREAD® chair, and her committee for their hard work to develop and implement this year’s fun theme.

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

Visit the iREAD website »

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