To sign up for the DoD-MWR Summer Reading Program, click the link for your installation program and register for free. Account creators must be at least 13 years old. Younger children can be registered by a parent or guardian. It’s that easy!
The DoD-MWR Summer Reading Program is designed for readers of all ages. The Summer Reading Program offers free activities for children, teens, and adults alike that encourage and support a love reading. You must be eligible for MWR services, including Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, Retiree, and civilian personnel and their families. The general public is not eligible.
Please contact your local installation to learn about the reading incentives and activities that are part of their program.
If you don't live near an installation with a reading program, you can still participate through the DoD-MWR Virtual Summer Reading Program. The Virtual Summer Reading Program is designed for Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty readers of all ages who cannot participate in a local installation program.
Contact the DoD MWR Summer Reading Program coordinator at NGLP@navy.mil.